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Member Church News

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Letter to Australia

PACIFIC churches have called on Australia’s government and opposition to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Delivered on the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, the letter was signed by Buddhist, Christian and Hindu leaders.

The PCC has led advocacy against nuclear weapons and called for reparation for victims since the early 1970s.

Early this year the PCC and the World Council of Churches urged Fiji to ratify the TPNW.

Fiji ratified the treaty in June.

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Ratify the Treaty

AUSTRALIA must ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Pacific churches today (Friday, July 10, 2020) called on Australia and all Pacific countries to ratify the treaty which Fiji ratified at the United Nations this week.

The Pacific Conference of Churches with the World Council of Churches urged the ratification in a submission to Fiji’s Parliament earlier this year.

The Pacific Island Association of NGOs, supported by the Pacific Network on Globalisation also made a submission.

PCC General Secretary, Reverend James Bhagwan congratulated Fiji on ratifying the treaty.

He said Fiji NGOs, churches and their regional counterparts had been instrumental since the 1970s in the fight to end nuclear proliferation.

”The Pacific Conference of Churches has been calling for a total ban on nuclear weapons since 1975 and has consistently advocated for this, most recently at its 11th General Assembly in 2018,” Bhagwan said.

“Despite being the most destructive, inhumane weapons ever invented, nuclear weapons are the only “weapons of mass destruction” that are not yet banned under international law. (Chemical and biological weapons are both banned internationally.)”

He said the churches rnewed their call to end the use of nuclear weapons.

“We firmly believe that God created the world in which we live as a means to sustain mankind – to provide life through water, air food and shelter,” Bhagwan said.

“The world must end any possibility of nuclear war; there must be no chance of even one weapon being ever detonated again.”

The Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, New Zealand, Palau, Samoa, Vanuatu have signed and ratified the treaty.

Nauru and Tuvalu have signed but not ratified the document.

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Farewell, Rev Sir Sam Lowa

FORMER United Church in PNG Moderator, Reverend Sir Samson Lowa, will be remembered as a servant of God who lived Jesus’ gospel of love.

When the church faced a crippling financial crisis, he visited banks, encouraged congregations, changed mindsets, found a solution & offered to go to prison.

A close friend, Kerry Enright, said Lowas changed the moral culture of the church through the power of his humble and transparent goodness.

So humble was Lowa that he turned down an invitation to be Governor-General of PNG.

Originally from West New Britain, Lowa was a gteacher before joining the ministry.

Former Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu General Secretary, Rev Tafue Lusama described Lowa as a long serving leader of the church in PNG & an active member of the regional & global ecumenical movement.

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Churches re-open

THE Catholic church in Fiji will re-open its buildings for worship this weekend.

This follows a government announcement permitting limited religious gatherings.

Archbishop Peter Loy Chong has implemented strict guidelines for church gatherings in line with international health guidelines.

This includes physical distancing, limited singing, sanitising facilities and keeping records of attendance.

Meanwhile the St Andrews Presbyterian Church has decided to remain closed this weekend.

Reverend Bruce Yeates said the church would remain closed until further notice and the Parish Council would make a decision on July 12.

But the church office will remain open and parishioners can access services via https://www.facebook.com/St-Andrews-Presbyterian-Church-of-Suva-112122090421414/?modal=admin_todo_tour

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No Seabed Mining

COOK Islands churches have called for a ban on seabed mining as their parliament attempts to amend laws on underwater exploration.

The local church supported a call by Pacific churches for a moratorium on mining, exploration and development of technology and equipment.

Here is the full PCC statement:


PACIFIC churches have reiterated their call for a ban on seabed mining as the Cook Islands parliament prepares to review legislation on the issue.

Since 2017, Pacific church leaders have consistently called on people and governments of the region to stand against Seabed Mining and the testing of associated technology. This includes a call, along with Pacific civil society organisations for a moratorium on Seabed / Deep Sea Mining at the 2019 Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting.

Our member church and CSO partners in the Cook Islands have raised concern over the discretionary powers proposed for the relevant minister under the Seabed Minerals (Amendment) Bill 2020.

The Te Ipukarea Society, Korero o te Orau and environmental advocates have urged the withdrawal of the bill in its current form.

Among the groups’ objections to amendments proposed in the bill are:

1. The tightening of corporate confidentiality – ensuring less responsibility to the people and more to shareholders

2. A change from public to national interest – taking the focus away from welfare of the people

3. The removal of the need for written compliance with the Environment Act – creating a screen from oversight, protecting investors, and disempowering the people, including local fishing communities

4. Shifts from pollution prevention to control – allowing pollutants as an acceptable part of mining rather than preventing harm to the environment.

These are just some of the issues raised by environmental advocates and the church.

We stand in solidarity with the people and humbly request the Cook Islands Parliament to reject the bill in its current form. In fact, the churches call on the Cook Islands to take the lead and ban seabed mining, the testing and development of any associated machinery, equipment, and methods.’


In April 2017 Pacific church leaders, meeting in Suva made their first comprehensive declaration on Seabed or Deep-Sea Mining in which they said:

“We are aware of the destruction caused by Seabed Mining on the physical Oceanic environment and the potentially negative impacts on the socio-spiritual aspects of the lives of local communities. We embrace our Pacific people’s underpinning philosophy of ‘interconnectedness with the ocean’. The ‘ocean is us’ and ‘we are the ocean’. The ocean is the main source of survival and livelihood for most Pacific indigenous communities and to mine the ocean is a deliberate destruction to our people and the future generation.”

The leaders then said:

1. We call on the civil society to stand with the churches in saying “NO” to any development regarding Seabed Mining

2. We call on the Governments and the people of the Pacific to stand together to preserve and protect our common home for the unborn and the future generations

3. Our Mandate is from God: “God put man in the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it” (Gen 2:15). The world was here before we came on the scene, it is sacred and has been blessed- Who are we to destroy it?

4. We call on all the people and the governments of the Pacific to stand together in solidarity to ban seabed mining in the Pacific.

Since then Pacific churches have not deviated from this stand and called on the Cook Islands parliament to listen to the voices of its people and act responsibly for all Pacific communities.

We note with concern that the Cook Islands government has originally signalled its intention to use exploratory mining as a precursor to actual industrial extraction.

Cook Islands’ poor track record with the depletion of fish stocks due to poor agreements with Distant Water Fishing Nations should be a warning to islanders.

The people of the Cook Islands have been deprived of just returns for their fish,’’ he said. Their resources must be protected at all costs. This includes saying no to Seabed Mining.

We note that the Cook Islands has declared the sacredness of the Ocean through its Marae Moana and made its entire exclusive economic zone a multiple-use marine protected area. We call the Cook Islands government to ensure that all decisions which may adversely impact the marine eco-system, are made in the spirit of the Marae Moana, which is largest commitment by a single country for integrated management and conservation from ridge to reef, and from reef to ocean.

Reverend James. S Bhagwan
General Secretary

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Justice for Maohi, Temaru

THE Pacific Conference of Churches has called for justice in Maohi (French Polynesia) and for activist, Oscar Temaru.

In a message read at a protest march in Papeete on Friday, PCC General Reverend James Bhagwan called on France not to ignore Maohi’s re-inscription to the United Nations Decolonisation list.

“Today, we note with concern that France has failed to hear the cry of the people and the voice of the United Nations,” Bhagwan said.

“This refusal makes a mockery of France’s national motto – Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity).

“The Pacific churches also call on France to allow the people of Maohi a voice on their political future by holding a referendum, similar to the political process in Kanaky (New Caledonia).”

He said the recent arrest of freedom fighter, Oscar Temaru, appeared to be linked to his role in bringing about the re-inscription of Maohi at the UN.

Maohi was re-inscripted seven years ago to the UN Decolonisation List after strong international advocacy aided by the PCC.

Justice For Maohi, Justice for Temaru

As the people of Maohi (French Polynesia) remember the seventh year of their re-inscription on the United Nations decolonisation list, the Pacific Conference of Churches calls on France to act with justice.

France has ignored the wishes of the Maohi people and the United Nations for their inalienable right to hold an act of self-determination.

Seven years ago, the Pacific churches supported the Etaretia Porotetani Maohi (Maohi Protestant Church) in the process of re-inscription and has joined the EPM as a petitioner at both the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) as well as the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee).

Today, we note with concern that France has failed to hear the cry of the people and the voice of the United Nations. This refusal makes a mockery of France’s national motto – Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity).

The Pacific churches also call on France to allow the people of Maohi a voice on their political future by holding a referendum, similar to the political process in Kanaky (New Caledonia).’

The recent arrest of freedom fighter, Oscar Temaru, appears to be linked to his role in bringing about the re-inscription of Maohi at the UN.

Temaru is in court over allegations on the misuse of public funds in Fa’aa where he is mayor. The courts have also ordered the seizure of $USD100,000 of Temaru’s savings.

The courts must never be used as a tool for political expediency or revenge against opponents. Our courts must act impartially as instruments of a legal system which is fair and just, not prejudiced and oppressive.

We call for Temaru to be treated justly. We remind France that it has yet to bring about just reparation for the thousands of people – including French civilians and service personnel – crippled and debilitated by the fallout from nuclear tests at Fangataufa and Moruroa.

And we call on the people of the Pacific to pray for the Maohi church and justice for all in the region who face tyranny and injustice from their leaders.

In the name of Christ and in the service of a just, peaceful and free Pacific,

Reverend James S, Bhagwan
General Secretary

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Church conferences off

CHURCHES across the Pacific will put annual synods and conferences on hold as they continue to deal with the Corona Virus Pandemic.

More than one third of the Pacific Conference of Churches’ membership has announce postponements or reductions in annual meetings.

The announcements were made prior to similar action taken by the World Council of Churches.

In Fiji, the Methodist Church is expected to make a decision shortly on its plans for the annual conference.

Here is a list of churches in the Pacific who have discussed annual meetings and what to do in light of the global pandemic:

1. Free Wesleyan Church in Tonga – Annual Conference and festival postponed to 2021

2. Congregational Christian Church in Samoa – Annual Conference postponed to 2021

3. Methodist Church in Samoa – Annual Conference postponed to 2021

4. Cook Islands Christian Church – Bicentennial Assembly 2021

5. Maohi Protestant Church (Tahiti) – Annual Conference, festival and fundraising activity postponed to 2021

6. Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa – Annual Conference postponed to 2021

7. Methodist Church in New Zealand – Reduced Conference being discussed.

8. United Church in Papua New Guinea – All meetings online until the government changes current policy on church meetings

9. Anglican Diocese of Polynesia – Standing Committee reduced time and via zoom. General Synod reduced days and via Zoom.

10. Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu – Assembly postponed to 2021

11. Anglican Church of Melanesia – General Synod postponed to 2021

12. Micronesian Council of United Churches of Christ – Assembly postponed to 2021

13. Protestant Church in Kanaky – planning to postpone to 2021

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WCC postpones Assembly

THE World Council of Churches General Assembly scheduled for 2020 in Karlsruhe, Germany, has been postponed until 2021.

Last night (June 4) the WCC announced the postponement as countries continued to battle with COVID-19.

The announcement said the assembly would take place when more of the ecumenical community could gather in safety.

The last WCC assembly was held in Busan, South Korean, in 2013.


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Call For Australia to Reach Out Through Church

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Climate change greatest risk to Pacific

UNITING World has called on Australia to recognise climate change as the greatest risk to the Pacific. In a submission to Australia’s parliament, Uniting World pointed out that the region was more than 90 per cent Christian and churches were the best entry point for engagement with communities.

“Christianity is the dominant paradigm in the Pacific, it is the language of life and culture,” the submission said in its offering on how to address Australia’s Pacific Step Up programme.

”Deal with the issue of climate change with integrity,” the submission also said. “This is the biggest existential issue in the Pacific, driving both rapid-onset disasters and slow-onset destruction of livelihoods.”

It called for an acknowledgement that climate change was not just an aid issue but one that required regional and global collaboration on a range of fronts.

Other suggestions were: Create space for alternative models of development; recognise that development and social flourishing for the Pacific people must be self-determined with due weight given to indigenous wisdom, culture and context. GDP and economic growth may not be the desired indicators; address the Pacific societal impacts of the labour mobility scheme.

“It’s about reframing the narrative in the way we address the issue of life in the Pacific, holistic life. Looking at the way we learn things and the world, the influence of global structures and systems, recognising those, and offering alternatives so that people of the Pacific are able to live a truly sustainable life and we are able to grow into the future with a more healthy outlook, not just spiritually, physically, emotionally but also in the sense of how we thrive. We need to change the conversations around resilience in the context of climate change disaster from survival mode to thriving.” – Rev James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches.

Read the full submission at https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Foreign_Affairs_Defence_and_Trade/PacificRelationships/Submissions

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Churches call out miners on damage

CHURCHES have called on a major Australian mining company to clean up the island of Bougainville after years of copper and gold extraction. Human rights groups have echoed the call ahead of elections in the autonomous region later this year. Forty-five years of mining by Rio Tinto has left behind almost a billion tonnes of mine waste.

Read the full story here:

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Concern over violence in homes

FIJI’S Roman Catholic Church has launched a series of Facebook videos addressing the issue of violence in homes. In the first programme, Vicar-General Father Sulio Turagakacivi, spoke on the high incidence of violence in Fijian and Pacific homes. He also addressed the need for safety of children during COVID-19. The series is titled – Upholding the Dignity of Our Human Sexuality, the Dignity of Marriage and Family Life and can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/www.archdioceseofsuva.org/videos/954766628298708/

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PCC Video Library

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World Oceans Day Message

THE Oceans play a special part in the lives of our people. The are full of life and were created before man or animals. Keep them safe and clean

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Talk to Your Governments

OUR climate change advocate, Frances Namoumou, delivers a strong message at COP in Germany

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Churches – the conscience of meetings

CHURCHES are the conscience of global meetings like COP. That’s why they speak out against injustice – Peter Emberson


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