Welcome to Pacific Conference of Churches   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Pacific Conference of Churches

The Pacific Conference of Churches is the fellowship of churches that comes together to fulfill their true calling in building a safer societies for the Pacific people’s.

The PCC goes beyond faith and religious institutions in Fiji and the Pacific region. It also focuses on advocacy for justice, climate action, child protection, and empowering youth and women. It serves as an inspiration to Pacific communities, showing how churches are working to create new, more inclusive societies in harmony with their faith. Through these efforts, the PCC strives to reach and uplift the people of the Pacific by putting their words into action.

With that, the organization is dedicated for the protection of children of the Pacific, reflecting their belief that children are a precious gift from God. Emphasized about the advocating of child protection program alongside with religious values has played a significant role in fostering a safer society, particularly for children. The Pacific region is no longer safer for children as witnessed. In result of the increases in case of human trafficking, child abuse and gender stereotyping. In response, the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) is intensifying efforts to advocate for gender equality, child protection, and youth empowerment within the region.

However, their focus extends beyond child protection to include climate justice as well. The well-respected organization is also focused on addressing the climate crisis and creating a safer environment by mobilizing religious groups to advocate for global climate action. To this end, the PCC has launched several initiatives, including the REM project, which promotes sustainable development and support for climate refugees. In 2022, the PCC extended assistance to the people of Ekubu in Vatulele by providing an outboard engine and a solar-powered freezer, funded by the Presbyterian Church in the USA. In addition, they have provided support to low-lying areas affected by rising sea levels, including Vunisavisavi in Cakaudrove.

This remarkable organization, formed through the collaboration of Pacific churches does not stop here but also dedicated to the preservation and enforcement of Pacific Island cultures and traditions by strives to balance modernity with indigenous practices. At the same time, addressing pressing social and economic issues to advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples and pushing for fair governance across the region.

Therefore, PCC is not only a religious organization, but a driving force for social change, climate action, cultural preservation, and community empowerment across the Pacific region, working tirelessly to build a safer society for all.

Caption: The staff member from the Pacific Conference of Churches, in partnership with Green Faith, a global interfaith movement advocating for the end of fossil fuels. Picture: PCC

Caption: Children a gifts from God and they should be loved and appreciated. Here, Children are enjoying Weet-Bix as a refreshment. Picture: PCC

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